Na quarta e quinta-feira (3 e 4 de junho de 2009) tivemos a alegria de ter conosco, conferenciando sobre “A Batalha de Calvino pela Reforma, o Rev. Angus Stewart (pastor da Convenant Protestant Reformed Church – Irlanda do Norte). O evento foi promovido pela ICPP e aconteceu na IPC de Telheiras, Lisboa.
As palestras do Rev. Angus, sobre a vida de Calvino e sua renhida luta para defender os princípios fundamentais da Fé Cristã Reformada trouxe-nos ânimo para que possamos continuar batalhando em prol da Fé Reformada na Europa.
Na foto o Rev. Francisco Moura e o Rev. Angus Stewart
On Wednesday and Thursday (3 and 4 June 2009) was a joy to participate of Conference about "John Calvin's Battle for the Reformation" with the Rev. Angus Stewart (pastor of the Convenant Protestant Reformed Church - N. Ireland). The event was sponsored by Christhian Presbyterian Church of Portugal (Igreja Cristã Presbiteriana de Portugal) and happened in the CPC of Telheiras, Lisbon.
The lectures of the Rev. Angus, on the life of Calvino and his struggle to defend the fundamental principles of the Christian Reformed Faith has an encouragement for us, that we can continue to battle in favor of the Reformed Faith in Portugal and Europe.
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